DOSBox-Staging Git (2024/06/28)

DOSBox-Staging Git (2024/06/28) is compiled. This repository attempts to modernize the DOSBox project by using current development practices and tools, fixing issues, adding features that better support today’s systems, and sending patches upstream.

DOSBox-Staging Git Changelog:
* Use [[maybe_unused]] attribute on unused arguments
* Make sure we get our branding right
* Refactor for success
* Use designated initalisers
* Fix formatting
* Clean up log messages
* Fix formatting and remove underscore from argument names
* Add a destructor to the localFile class
* Implement timestamp cache for local drive and overlay drive
* Move localFile class definition into new header file drive_local.h
* Mark the timestamp to be updated on file writes
* Use native I/O functions for setting time
* Use FileTimeToDosDateTime() Win32 function
* Remove UpdateDateTimeFromHost() function
* Convert isoFile’s pointer to isoDrive from a raw pointer to a shared_ptr
* Convert fatFile’s pointer to fatDrive from a raw pointer to a shared_ptr
* Use shared_ptr for the DOS_Drive data structures
* Remove DriveManager::currentDrive static variable
* Use shared_ptr for data structures holding imageDisk
* Use std::make_shared in place of a .reset(new…) call
* Remove incorrect dynamic_cast from DriveManager::CycleDisks
* Remove virtual keyword from imageDisk destructor
* Remove return value from DOS_File Close() method
* Remove open flag and IsOpen() method from DOS_File
* Remove empty destructor from device_COM class
* Refactor global Files array from raw pointers to unique_ptr
* Do not re-use file handles in DOS_FCBOpen
* Do not close file handles on FileUnlink
* Replace Ultima VIII keyboard hack with a proper solution
* Minor keyboard controller cleanup

DOSBox-Staging Git (2024/06/28) x64 :

Source: Here

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I love it all!! 😍 😍

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