DS994a v2.8

DS994a v2.8 released. DS994a is a Texas Instruments TI99/4a Emulator for the DS/DSi/XL/LL. To run requires the TI BIOS ROMS in the /roms/bios or /roms/ti99 directory. See BIOS files further down for the ones you need.

DS994a changelog:
Fixed CPU clock speed so we’re not overclocking the TI99 (Parsec among others will run at the right speed, Dragon’s Lair speech corrected, etc.)
Fixed the RESET SYSTEM command if you loaded a new disk in a directory that was different than the one the cart/rom was in.
Improved DISK listing handling – showing file size, more files, better layout, improved selection, etc.
Added the ability to create a blank 360K disk from within the emulator.

Download: DS994a v2.8
Source: Here

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