Final Fight 2 [SNES] let’s play

A fun play through with myself and hyrule13.

So this was originally supposed to be a 2 player longplay, but we failed to beat the final boss.

Because we recorded our audio chat we were able to salvage the video and turn it into a “lets play”.

It was my first time playing with Hyrule13 and he is a really cool dude. Expect us to run through some more co op games in the future. I’m not the best conversationalist so thankful he was able to carry me through the game 😂.

The game also did a desynch a few times. I edited all of that out, but it may be useful in the future to show how we did remedy the problem by reloading and relaunching save states.


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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