I received the NYXI Wizard Joy-cons today, and as promised, here are my impressi…

I received the NYXI Wizard Joy-cons today, and as promised, here are my impressions and a few photos–I haven’t seen too many reviews of this yet because it’s brand new and currently sold out.

Build quality is very good–this is my first NYXI controller, but I’ve been told that they make good products, and this doesn’t seem to be an exception. They have a premium feel, and I was surprised to see backlighting on the face buttons, which I didn’t realize it had. The sticks feel excellent and use the “Hall Effect” so they are contactless, i.e. no risk of drift.

The main thing that is different from the original GCN controller is the instant triggers. They actually have a really nice squishy/clicky feel but are not the analog triggers you might be expecting.

Other things to mention…each Joy-con has its own USB-C port for charging individually. The middle piece is not a charging grip. They also charge docked to the Switch. And as shown, you can leave them connected to the Switch when docked. They also included both octagon and circular rings for the sticks.

Overall 9.5/10, would definitely recommend. Hopefully they are more widely available soon.

The source is our dear retro gaming friends over at FB

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  1. I got one of the two I ordered in today too. I’m very impressed with the build as well. I wish the top of the joysticks was the same as a gamecube but that’s about my only complaint except for each one having to charge with its own usb but overall its awesome! The second one I ordered I don’t know if it went through for the sale because the website crashed but my goal was to get one. I’m a happy camper.

  2. Nice I didn’t know the buttons lit up either. I won’t see mine for a couple months πŸ˜‘
    NYXINEW10 for 10% off controllers on their website

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