I’m not sure if the PS3 is considered retro yet but I want to bring up this gem for a few reasons. One it’s an absolutely amazing racing game and two I have never seen another game like this in existence. Can somebody even suggest anything close to the style of gameplay?? Wide open racing games with huge maps and big thrills. I’m going to load it up on an emulator soon to see if I can improve the graphics from its original version.
This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB
Big hit over at Retro Racing Lunatics
Wasn’t this one of the first ps3 titles? Fun game
Great game, awesome soundtrack only one flaw was the loading times 😬
I love MotorStorm, I’ve got all three PS3 games and the one on PSP. I wish the series would make a comeback.
The cross country races in Forza Horizon have a similar feel but it’s missing the bikes.
Such a good game!! Series needs a comeback!
My first ps3 came with motorstorm- great game, haven’t played it in years tho
I love this game.
For off road racing. I’ve been playing alot of Baja: Edge Control lately. Plus it has my home town in the Nevada map.
The Smuggler’s Run games are the closest that I can think of.
Wasn’t this one of the first PS3 titles. Fun game
Sooo good! I remember playing the demo of over and over. Went to GameStop to pick it up day one.
I swear that I almost broke the controller getting a few of those trophies.
Motorstorm Apocalypse was such a fun game.