Any advice for this lost soul?
I’m undecided on best place to spend money.
I have a N64 jungle green with everdrive x7 so I have all the N64 games.
Just dug out my gameboy color, it needs a little work but tools on the way. Might buy a everdrive for it idk.
I really like the old style Pokémon games on gameboy color.
Which system has the best games? 3DS or switch? Which has the best Pokémon games?
I also have a Xbox 360 and Xbox One X.
I want good Pokémon games but I also want games I haven’t played before like Mario galaxy and later mario games. It’s been awhile since I had a later Gen Nintendo system. I did have a WiFi 3DS XL but I gave it away about 4 years ago.
I liked pokemon on both 3ds and switch but neither of them are like the GBC games. A lot easier for starters and some gameplay mechanics have changed