Just found this and forgot I still had it. It’s 14 years old, so I think that’s …

Just found this and forgot I still had it. It’s 14 years old, so I think that’s retro enough. Any old Gamestop managers will know this came from the 2010 Managers Conference. Peter Molyneaux was there for a meet and greet and signed this for us. The comment “Thanks for me credit card” is because Gamestop gave each manager a prepaid credit card for food and it had Fable 3 on the card. Peter saw my card and asked about it. I had already emptied the card so I gave it to him.

I just wish I still had all the other cool things I got from being a GS manager from 2000-2011. 😔

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

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One comment

  1. The games couldn’t live up to their marketing but they were great and the atmosphere with the sound design was perfectly whimsical.

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