My humble Nintendo collection. I refurbished the white GBA this week. New shell, buttons, screen lens, the works. The on/off switch was giving problems. This happens to a lot of them. I got the corrosion out of the switch with a tiny piece of sandpaper and some alcohol. The Game & Watches are the new ones. Link’s Awakening is fantastic on the Zelda one. And as you can probably tell by the size, the TV consoles are the NES and SNES Classic Mini. The games are Super Mario Land 1 and 2 for the OG Gameboy. The GBA can play those too. Super Mario Bros 2, 3 and Super Mario World for the GBA. And Zelda: The Minish Cap for GBA
This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB
That’s a respectable collection, and those Game&Watch are sweeeeet!
Awesome 👍