PCSX-Redux Git (2025/02/26)

PCSX-Redux Git (2025/02/26) is compiled. This is yet another fork of the Playstation Emulator, PCSX. While the work here is very much in progress, the goal is roughly the following: Bring the codebase to more up to date code standards. Get rid of the plugin system and create a single monolithic codebase that handles all aspects of the playstation emulation. Write everything on top of SDL/OpenGL3+/ImGui for portability and readability. Improve the debugging experience. Improve the rendering experience.

PCSX-Redux Changelog::
* Merge pull request #1867 from malucard/previous-symbol
* fix tabs
* refactor with symbol finding functions in R3000Acpu
* use lower_bound instead of a for loop
* show previous symbol at top of asm view
* Merge pull request #1869 from acemon33/main
* Fix: OverlayReduxSymbols class name
* Add: ghidra_script OverlaysImporter
* Add: ghidra_script export_to_redux with overlays
* Refactor: ghidra_script OverlayReduxSymbols Extract methods
* Merge pull request #1870 from malucard/gitignore-appimage
* add appimage build files to gitignore
* Merge pull request #1871 from malucard/fmt-11-build-fix
* fix build with fmt 11

PCSX-Redux Git (2025/02/26) x64 :


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