Project64 Git (2023/12/21)

EmuCR: Project 64Project64 Git (2023/12/21) is compiled. Project 64 is a proprietary Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows. It employs a plug-in system that allows third-party software developers to create their own implementation of a specified component. Project64 allows the user to play Nintendo 64 games on a computer by reading ROM images, either dumped from the read-only memory of a Nintendo 64 cartridge or created directly on the computer as homebrew. Project64 started as an exercise by Jabo and zilmar in an attempt to see if they were capable of programming a Nintendo 64 emulator. It’s open source now.

Project64 Git Changelog:
* Core: Clear the Divide-by-zero flag
* Core: Implement COP1_S_DIV with fpu exceptions
* Core: CompileCheckFPUInput32 and CompileCheckFPUResult32 should not be updating esp since using callthis
* Core: In CX86RecompilerOps::CompileLoadMemoryValue instead of checking write to rt being 0 instead use WritesGPR() since LDC1 F0 rt is 0 but it is not writing to r0
* Core: Handle unaligned CX86RecompilerOps::CompileLoadMemoryValue for 64bit ops
* Core: fix up some of the commented out debugging code in CX86RecompilerOps::PreCompileOpcode
* Core: Have R4300iInstruction in CRecompilerOpsBase
* Core: Have R4300iInstruction::WritesGPR return the register written to instead of passing a variable by reference

Project64 Git (2023/12/21) x64 :

Project64 for Android :
Project64 for Android


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