ShadPS4 Git (2024/07/18)

ShadPS4 Git (2024/07/18) is released. An early PS4 emulator for Windows and Linux written in C++.

ShadPS4 changelog:
* kernel: Implement posix_pthread_once (#297)
* Merge pull request #300 from shadps4-emu/regression-fix
* force imedialog to input “shadps4” as name . That way we can pass games that want username . temp solution till imgui dialog prepared
* clang format fix
* Remove bc6
* shader_recompiler: Normal gathers
* rasterizer: Bump staging to 1GB
* liverpool_to_vk: Add more surface formats
* Add comments
* emulator: Add libSceUlt too
* emulator: Add libSceFiber and simplify logic
* event_queue: Add clear flag to events and don’t return error
* gnmdriver: Fix incorrect trailing nop insertion in indirect draws
* fs: Defeat games with double slashes

ShadPS4 Git (2024/07/18) :

Source: Here

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