ShieldTV emulator frontend: Pegasus. Ask ETA Prime to review this?

This front end is INSANE. #shieldTV #Android #pegasus #RetroArch As far as the Android goes, I do not think there is a better option. It takes a little bit to set up, but I have written a tutorial and a review.

Android Tutorial:

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About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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  1. Overly convoluted trash!

  2. I'd love a tutorial on how to set this up with working meta data and scrapers and what not to make it look as nice as yours… Great video

  3. Damn and ETA still wont make a video, honestly thank you for sharing

  4. Hello. Is there a way to remove the ANDROID section of the home screen?

  5. I have a feeling ETA Prime will never cover Pegasus because it competes with LaunchBox/BigBox on PC and he is/was a part of the development team for that frontend. He at least does the voice-over work for a lot of their YouTube videos.

  6. I have a shield and I would love this set up on my device can you direct me please 🙏to clone ya setup?

  7. It's a thing of beauty!

  8. Any way you could do an install tutorial? I've tried following your written one, but there's a few sections that aren't specific enough for someone who has no experience with Shield TV or emulation. I've got my roms, got retroarch, got all the files scraped, not quite sure where to put the metadata.pegasus.txt file. You've written place in the system directory, but that could be multiple different directories.

  9. Great stuff! I've been looking for a decent Android emu front end for a while. Have set up arc browser but video snaps only work in the Arcade UI, which I don't really like. Saw your Pegasus overview which looks great!
    You mentioned having config files to share? Is that still possible? It would mean a lot to me and help get me started. Thanks

  10. Why are there ads on my video 🥺 wtf.

  11. Great work!! I'm just setting up my shield for retro gaming, so I might need some help buddy!!

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