Sonic 2 & Knuckles – (Sega Genesis) – Longplay – 1994

#sonic #walkthrough #tutorial #guide #sega #knuckles #genesis #sonic2

Back in 1994, Sega released Sonic and knuckles with it’s “Lock-On Technology”, allowing you to connect Sonic 1 for special stages, Sonic 3 for the rest of the intended game, and the game I’ve played today, Sonic 2. Connecting the Sonic 2 cartridge to Sonic and knuckles allows you to play Sonic 2 as knuckles the echidna. The stages remain the same but the difficulty goes up a little as knuckles can not jump as high as sonic or tails. though he does have the ability to climb most walls. so for your viewing pleasure, here is Sonic 2 and knuckles.

Game Start 00:00:35

Emerald Hill 00:00:50
1st Special Stage 00:03:02
2nd Special Stage 00:04:55
3rd Special Stage 00:07:39
4th Special Stage 00:10:50
5th Special Stage 00:13:05

Chemical Plant 00:16:25
6th Special Stage 00:19:55

Aquatic Ruin 00:24:24

Casino Night 00:30:55
7th Special Stage 00:33:00

Hill Top 00:39:04

Mystic Cave 00:44:52 *My Favorite Zone

Oil Ocean 00:49:34

Metropolis 00:58:04 *The only Zone with 3 Acts

Sky Chase 01:09:22

Wing Fortress 01:11:33

Death Egg 01:15:57

End Credits 01:18:30


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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