Star Ocean: Till the End of Time – Longplay (PS2) Part 1 #Walkthrough #Guide #Tutorial

The year is S.D. 772, Fayt, his parents, and his childhood friend Sophia are on vacation at resort planet Hyda IV. Suddenly the planet is attacked by an enemy force known as the Vendeeni! Trying to escape the attack, Fayt’s escape pod crashlands on an underdeveloped planet known as Vanguard III, later picked up by an anti-federation group known as quark, where he meets Cliff and Mirage. They tell him his father was captured by the Vendeeni! Fayt heads with Cliff and Mirage to rendezvous with their leader. On the way, the Vendeeni attack their ship making them crash land on another underdeveloped planet, Elicoor II. Why are the Vendeeni so bent on capturing Fayt and his family!?

Opening 00:00:00
Playstation 2 Boot Screen 00:00:35
Game Intro 00:00:52
Resort Planet Hyda IV 00:03:38
Meet the Rossettis’ 00:10:48
Battle Simulator 00:20:07
Evacuation 00:29:35
Transport ship Helre 00:48:23
Crashland on Vangard III 01:04:10
Fight with Norton’s Goons 01:48:31
Fight with Norton 02:00:44
Saying goodbye 02:18:04
On route to Quark 02:22:34
Crashland on Elicoor II 02:32:25
Captured & Interrogated 02:39:07
Rescued 02:48:11
Creature of the Aquaducts 03:09:13
Leaving the city 03:19:15
Kirlsa 03:37:19
Kirlsa Mine 03:52:54
On route to Arias 04:05:45
Arias 04:15:52
Aire Kirlsa Hills 04:34:53
Kirlsa Training Facility 04:47:53
Fight with Shelby 05:25:30
Albel the Wicked 05:27:24


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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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One comment

  1. I always wanted to okay this as a Young gamer. What a beautiful game.

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