Streets Of Rage 2 – Boss Fights – Stage 1 – (Sega Genesis)

Hello Retro Gaming fans, Ryan McQuinn here

One of the greatest beat’em ups of all time, and my favorite not only
in the series, but also my favorite of all beat’em up games!
Choose from 4 characters, Max, Axel, Blaze and Skate. The story goes,
Skate’s father has been captured by Mr. X and his henchmen. Our
4 heroes must defeat Mr. X’s henchmen and resuce Skate’s father
from the clutches of Mr. X. Today’s video shows the bosses from stage 1.

00:00 Intro
00:54 Jack
01:58 Elektra
02:31 Barbon

#streetsofrage2 #streetsofrage #sega #genesis #segagenesis #sor2 #sor

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One comment

  1. Adam is Skate’s older brother; not his father. Great clip nonetheless! 👾🎮

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