Syracuse Retro Game Con – 10/7/23 day of show

This was the Retro Game Con, Saturday October 7th, 2023 in Syracuse NY. It was a blast. Lets go take a look around. I will showcase a few things. The shopping experience was excellent and we picked up a few key items. They had a pretty awesome video game related rock band, games to play, impressive video game competitions, panels with some stars in the business and so much more. We will absolutely be returning next year.


8:26 the coolest perler beads I have ever seen
17:15 endless games to play
18:32 an 80s living room setup
18:44 pin ball free play
20:00 our pickups!
26:15 Ninja turtle cosplay… good ones
31:48 an awesome video game rock band called @LameGenie
49:05 a furry lounge omg we got a kick out of this
49:37 a panel with the “boom shaka laka: guy Tim Kitzrow. The full panel is here, its the video uploaded before this one. Enjoy!!


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I love retro gaming.

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