ULTIMATE Shield TV #emulation frontend: PegasusFE. Ask @ETA PRIME to review this?

This front end is INSANE. #shieldTV​ #Android​ #pegasus​ #RetroArch​ As far as the Android goes, I do not think there is a better option. It takes a little bit to set up, but I have written a tutorial and a review.

@ETA PRIME please review this bud.

Review: https://retroreplay.trek.pub/pegasus-fe-the-br-your-emulators/

Android Tutorial: https://retroreplay.trek.pub/pegasus-fe-android-tutorial/

Follow us to #emulation victory!!!


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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  1. Will this still work with the recent update to android 11?

  2. Hi. May I know how you are able to get the 4 artwork elements? Boxart, logo, snapshot and videosnap. I managed to get any 3 of them when converted from ES gamelists to metadata.txt. any tip would be appreciated. Thanks.

  3. Pegasus is awesome. So we see you showcase a few themes .
    Any links for those?

  4. This video came right in time! I've been looking for a good emulator frontend for my 2017 Nvidia Shield. Arc Browser and Dig are pretty good, but they just don't cut it. This front end looks amazing. Thank you @Retro Gaming Replay!

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