VCC v2.1.9.1

VCC v2.1.9.1 is released. VCC is an accurate emulation of a “stock” Tandy Color Computer 3 just as you would have bought in a Radio Shack store or Tandy Computer Center in 1986-1992

VCC v2.1.9.0 Changelog:
Gime timer enhancements to improve game sounds
Minor tweak to special char greek beta to match real Coco3
Debugger hotkey to toggle CPU tracking
Allow backslash paste from text
Use correct address from Coco3.rom for interrupt vectors – B.ONeill
Debugger Memory Display added dump of ROM and PAK memory
Debugger Disassembler easier entry of block/offset for NitrOS9 debugging.
Add export trace to file to Debugger Execution Trace
Floppy create new file now defaults to JVC
Moved Auto Start checkboxes from Configuration/Misc to Configuration/CPU
Various other minor interface tweaks and bug fixes
Updates to UserGuide, QuickStartGuide, and DisassemblerTurtorial

Download: VCC v2.1.9.1
Source: Here

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I love it all!! 😍 😍

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