Chandragupta: Warrior Prince

Chandragupta: Warrior Prince is a 3D action game based on historical events. The game is set in 323 B.C in Ancient India and tells the story of the warrior prince Chandragupta, the Emperor of the Mauryan Empire and the first to unite the territory of what is now known as India.

The game consists of nine levels and there are also some platform elements. The prince can be moved around freely, but there is a linear path to follow. He fights with a sword, a bow etc. and can perform three types of moves that lead to ten different combos. By attacking enemies with combos a gauge is filled up. When it is full reinforcements can be called in for difficult situations and arrows rain down. Collected gold can be used to upgrade weapons. There are also a number of sliding tile puzzles where an image needs to be restored. There are different difficulty levels and a Legend mode with tougher enemies.


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Sony Playstation 2


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Immersive Games Limited


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