“DashingDerek” extra curricular activities when he’s not making YouTube videos 😆

While this video has nothing to do with what we usually offer on our YouTube channel, Derek, the young man in the video, is one of your content creators and we couldn’t be more proud of him.

This video was uploaded for a few of his friends that wanted to see his progress. One of his wrestling matches starts at 5:24.

He’s coming a long way. His coach – @combat_corp as seen a few times in our video, helps him immensely with his MMA work and has even came through to be there for him when he wrestles.

He started this regimen about a year ago after some kids in his school weren’t so nice to him. Anyone who knows Derek knows he works very hard so we are excited to see what the future has in store for him.

If I’m certain of anything it’s that very few kids in his school are working as hard as him — 5 or 6 days a week. Yeah. that’s right. 👑 I’m very proud of you fine sir and I promise you that the kids that decided to be bullies will be doing the exact opposite after your hard work starts to shine around those chumps.

I love you more than anything in this world…


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