ES-DE v3.0.1

EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) v3.0.1 is released. EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) is a frontend application for browsing and launching games from your multi-platform game collection. It comes preconfigured for use with RetroArch and a number of other emulators. It’s also fully customizable so you can easily expand it to launch any emulators or applications that are not included in the bundled configuration. ES-DE is free and open source and will remain so forever. It’s also true multi-platform and runs on numerous operating systems such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro, Fedora, FreeBSD, macOS and Windows.

ES-DE Changelog:
Added support for Android 10
Removed Yuzu from the switch system
Added Panda3DS standalone as an alternative emulator for the n3ds system
(Android) Added support for placing the ES-DE and ROMs directories on mounted USB storage (/mnt/media_rw/)
(Android) Added support for network mounted storage on the Nvidia Shield Pro (and possibly other devices)
Added a more informative error message than “HTTP error code 430” when exceeding the daily ScreenScraper quota
Added the Snes9x 2005 Plus RetroArch core as an alternative emulator for the satellaview, sfc, snes, snesna and sufami systems
Added the Beetle SuperGrafx RetroArch core as an alternative emulator for the pcengine, pcenginecd, tg16 and tg-cd systems
Added the Geolith RetroArch core as an alternative emulator for the arcade, mame and neogeo systems
Added the .neo file extension to the arcade, mame and neogeo systems
Added the .chd file extension to the sega32x, sega32xjp and sega32xna systems
(Android) changed from %ROMPROVIDER% to %ROMSAF% for the C64.emu, PCE.emu (pcenginecd and tg-cd), Play! and Saturn.emu emulators
(Android) Changed the required filename for the Fake-08 RetroArch core from to
Improved the layout for the miximage generator interface for some unusual display resolutions and aspect ratios
(Android) Increased the maximum waiting time for the storage mount retry loop from 3 to 4 seconds
Improved resilience to empty gamelist.xml files (they can now be updated instead of generating an error)
(Linux and Unix) Made it possible to change the application data directory using the ESDE_APPDATA_DIR environment variable
(Android) Removed symlink support
Removed the “v” before the version number from the version printout on application startup and from the main menu
Updated SDL to 2.30.1 on Android, Windows, macOS and the Linux AppImage builds
Eliminated some deprecation warnings when building against FFmpeg 6.1 or higher
Bug fixes
(Android) The supergrafx system had the Beetle SuperGrafx and Beetle PCE RetroArch cores mixed up
(Windows) The MAME standalone emulator entry for the atari7800 system had the wrong machine type defined
The Orphaned data cleanup interface didn’t display the complete description text at some unusual display resolutions
(linear-es-de) Creating custom collections named “now-playing” or “completed” could lead to them being unthemed

Download: ES-DE v3.0.1
Source: Here

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I love it all!! 😍 😍

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