FFVII Rebirth’s Director Hamaguchi Naoki visiting us was an announcement from a …

FFVII Rebirth’s Director Hamaguchi Naoki visiting us was an announcement from a week ago that totally came out of nowhere!

Nobody knew any program details about it: just a date and venue. So we all panicked- this is THE FIRST TIME EVER we’ll be experiencing a Final Fantasy Launch Event

We eventually found out during the Q&A portion that [WE WERE NEVER PART OF THE TOUR] but MVP Legend Hamagucci👌™️ postponed the KR leg of the tour just to include our humble nation to the party

Me and @dizgrandquest were lucky enough to be amongst the 100 goers to join the Meet and Greet. Did my usual giving of gifts to guests and wrote letters to Hamaguchi, Nomura, Kitase and Nojima + local treats! I’m glad that I’m able to express my thoughts even w/o an interpreter! She was also surprised and spoke to me in English (she never did that during the program) and praised my Japanese 😭

We were only allowed to either have one of our personal items or the freebie Rebirth Shikishi board be signed. Those who also completed the Gold Saucer minigame stamps will get a poster!

It was fun seeing friends and meeting some of them for the first time IRL! Thanks y’all for lending your cameras, my phone is a potato 🥔

Many props to the organizers for the overtime crunch in building the Golden Saucer Set. Though the event was so sudden, everyone understood how important this event is in our local gaming history- they really made sure it will be special not only for fans but for Hamaguchi-san too. I felt all the love and care in the minigames and I had a blast overall!

Looking forward to more visits from other gamedevs in the future. Woot woot! We are finally in the radar of Square Enix baby! Happy gaming everyone! Let’s Mosey!!!

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

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