Frodo v4.5

EmuCR: FrodoFrodo v4.5 is released. Frodo is a portable Commodore 64 emulator that runs on a variety of platforms, with a focus on the exact reproduction of special graphical effects possible on the C64. It was also the world’s first Commodore 64 emulator without a “64” in its name. 😉

Frodo v4.5 changelog:
Note: The snapshot file format has changed. This version of Frodo will not read snapshot files from earlier versions.
Added Datasette tape drive emulation (TAP files, not available in Frodo Lite)
Added support for banked cartridges (Ocean, Fun Play, Power Play, Super Games, C64 Games System, System 3, Dinamic, Zaxxon, Magic Desk, Simons’ BASIC, COMAL 80)
Added ability to auto-start D64/G64/T64/TAP images, cartridges, and C64 BASIC program files by specifying them on the command line
Unix: Added file type associations to let Frodo start disk/tape image files, cartridges, and C64 program files from the desktop
Windows: Fixed some portability problems
Frodo now also looks in the application directory for the ‘Frodo.ui’ file
Added support for integration with VICE automated regression testbench
Small improvements to CPU and SID emulation
Use more realistic RAM initialization pattern

Download: Frodo v4.5
Source: Here

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I love it all!! 😍 😍

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