If you upload gameplay to YT watch for this guy. He’s robbing Zelda and handing out his own strikes!

A lot of people aren’t aware of this and I was not as well… but there are thieves out there that make a lot of money off of copyright patents that aren’t even theirs. They use music services like Spotify and Amazon, to speak to YouTube, that tell them that the songs being played are theirs.

it’s all a scam and frankly I’d look the other way, but the problem is real content creators are getting punished for it. Here is one example of many. I’d like to figure out how to stop this fellas practice.

@PointCrow @PewDiePie @AdamTheGameBoy @Retro Pals Archives @Bluegames Morelia @One Credit Classics @Consoletronix @SNES drunk @DreamcastGuy @The Game Evolution @Game Evolutions @The 8-Bit Guy @Won’t Grow Up @Nintendo Hall @Hat-Loving Gamer @Unbroken Software, LLC @ETA PRIME @Retro Licker @Metatron @MotyaGames! ko@Nintendo @Retrovania @Retro Game Warrior @Nintendo 公式チャンネル @NintendoCentral @NintendoCentral @NintenU @Nintendo Unity @NintendoMovies @Nintendo Life @Nintendo Mobile @NintendoCapriSun @SNES drunk @SnesTalgia @SNESMan16 @SNESguide1 @Games – Ностальгия Forever [NES, SEGA, SNES & PC] @SEGA @INTENSE GAMING @Dreamcasting


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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  1. Zelda II wasn't Koji Kondo.

  2. That's pretty lame my dude. Sweden is the safe haven for piracy and thieving so not surprised.

  3. Hopefully the big N comes after him. I consider Nintendo a frenemy. I love their classic games. I HATE their business model, their recycling, and re-recycling of their games as greatest hits and reselling the same old shit as something new. As much as I HATE that, it is their IP to do that with. I am surprised that this fucker hasn't been sued yet. Nintendo has shut down plenty of emulation sites for old, out of print games that don't want to release anyway. This is one of the few time I want the Apple of video games to go sue happy on a piece of shit like that!!!!

  4. So first thing to understand is that Youtube isn't a court of law, they're enforcing rules placed on them by the most stringent legal precedents placed on them, for countries they want to be viewed in. Sweden, of course, is a well-known haven for digital pirates. They have barely any, if any at all, rules governing… hell, any form of media, really. So this asshole takes advantage that his uploads 1) won't be challenged by Nintendo ever because Nintendo doesn't give two shits about its composers and 2) if Nintendo does suddenly decide to go after him, he's done more to voraciously defend the "copyright" of his little… I don't know, "I'm going to suck my own dick" diddy? And even if a court sided with the multibillion dollar corporation, there will be no ramification to him because no Swedish court is going to care. He, and others like him in similar "Don't Know, Don't Care" jurisdictions will continue to do what they do.

    And if they get the corporations to defend… you're still in a similar pickle because then they have to defend their copyrights against you as well, dear content creator. So it's a Catch 22.

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