In the summer of 1987, I was with my granny and grandpa at the Red ,White, and b…

Touching tale. Our grandparents mean so much to us.

In the summer of 1987, I was with my granny and grandpa at the Red ,White, and blue thrift store in Hialeah Florida . Red White and Blue was a place of vast treasures, everything from furniture to TVs, Atari games and plenty of toys were here. Grandpa even got sears pong there, and we would play together for many hours on his big wooden CRT TV. I recall how much I loved martial arts movies, and they would play a lot of the old films on channel 33, an entertainment station based out of Miami.


I had 30 dollars saved up that year and needed 20 dollars more to buy Kungfu which was on special at Lionel Play world for 49.99. Lionel Play world was a toy store similar to Toys R Us. They had a video game section where you would grab a ticket for the game you wanted and return it to the cashier, who would then take the game out from their storage room. If there was no ticket, then that means they were out of that specific game. Anyway grandma found 20 dollars on the floor at Red white and Blue thrift and gave it to me.


We then took a ride to Play world and bought the game. In the game, you play as Thomas, a badass Martial artist who goes out to rescue his GF Sylvia from Evil guy Mr. X! I recall how easily I beat this game back in the day, and now I can’t, which is a real bummer. I’ll have to practice and try again. My grandma passed away in 2009 , and I miss her so much .

The source is our dear retro gaming friends over at FB

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  1. That’s amazing and probably why like me, you crave the nostalgia, memories, and happy feelings playing Nintendo brings. Sounds to me like Grandma conveniently “found” the right amount to make you happy knowing you worked hard to save and how much it would mean to you. Wonderful story.

  2. Whyd you pay so much? I got the same game for 4.99 in the discount bin at gamestop in the late 90s

  3. I love stories like this. Many of my Nintendo games came from my Grandmother as well so a lot of them bring back memories of her. She passed 5 years ago at the end of this month and I miss her like crazy

  4. Good story. I have fond memories of getting my grandma to play NBA Jam with me on the Genesis. She had no clue what she was doing, but she tried! 😊

  5. Nice story! I remember this game being a gift at my buddy’s birthday in 1989. We played the shit out of it, but I have never beaten it. Loved the sound effects. It really scratched the kung fu itch at the time!

  6. Such a solid game. 💪💪

  7. Stories like this are what make game collecting special for me. I love hearing this story and many like it. Great memory of your grandparents. Hopefully this is the og copy

  8. Sorry you loss your grandma I’d loss my sister 7 months ago good story

  9. Cool game buddy..I have too

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