Nintendo spoils a great commercial

Clean it good!

I recently read that Nintendo changed a commercial they maid for Mario’s 25th anniversary. I looked up the videos and noticed the difference.  The first video is the original video that shows this kid come home, turn on his old tv and change it to channel 3.  He then blows on the cartridge , pops it in, and starts playing.  I loved this commercial! It turns out that Nintendo released an extended version of the video where they implemented a warning about blowing your cartridges. It also mentions not blowing into Nintendo DS cartridges.  Nintendo went from bringing back our nostalgia and reminding us of all our fond memories to just ruining the whole experience.  Also, I don’t think anyone blows  into their Nintendo DS cartridges.  Anyways, we all know that alcohol and q-tips worked are the real secret ingredients when cleaning old NES games!

You can see the second commercial here

About shateredsoul

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One comment

  1. Avatar photo

    Ha. If my NES cart ever gave me a hard time, I would slide another cart in slightly to apply downward pressure as I played. Worked like a charm every time.

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