See people had this when Final Fantasy XV was released. I got this for FFVII Reb…

See people had this when Final Fantasy XV was released. I got this for FFVII Rebirth. 😂

Dear F’ing Boss , Management, Supervisor or Whoever you F$$king are:

Please note ___________can’t make it in the next 120 hours due to he is galloping on a Chocobo, smashing crap on his Segway, dating two women (one who might die) ,and smashing his big ass sword or a one winged nutcase.

Yours Truly ;
Barret the machine gun arm badass maniac that’s about to F you up if you don’t let him off today.

Oh have a nice day kind sir. 😊

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

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I love it all!! 😍 😍

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