Star Ocean: Till the End of Time – Longplay (PS2) Part 3 #walkthrough #guide #tutorial

In the last video we finally find out why the Vendeeni are so adament on getting their hands on Fayt. In an act of what can be called pure destructive power, Fayt appeared to manifest an angelic figure which proceeded to obliterate the Vendeeni ships over the Aire/Kirlsa Fields. We then find out that Fayt was genetically modified by his father to carry a symbological gene of destruction. Not only that, but Maria has the gene for altering matter. Our heroes then head to Kaddan to stop the Vendeeni from stealing Aquios’ most sacred artifact, the OPA named the Sacred orb. Now with the orb safe, how are they going to deal with the Vendeeni?

Opening 00:00:00
Game Start 00:00:35
Back In Aquios 00:08:34
Talk with Maria 00:12:25
Maria Flashback 1 00:14:21
Maria Flashback 2 00:22:27
Maria Flashback 3 00:27:10
Maria’s Power Manifests 00:35:29
Audience Chamber 00:40:53
Leaving for Mosel 00:43:18
Stopped by Dragon Brigade 01:10:28
Surferio 01:17:44
Passage from Parch to Plenty 01:18:40
Mosel Dunes 01:23:52
Mosel Ruins 01:25:22
Meeting with King 01:35:14
Dropping off the Queen 01:48:44
Getting Albel Knox 02:05:01
Mountains of Barr 02:14:10
Dragon throat 02:24:30
Make a flute 02:28:50
Ruins of Barr 02:35:20
Robin Wind 02:57:20 *I hate this fight
Urrsa Lava Caves 03:00:23
A Bunnys Hideout 03:13:14
Airyglyph Aqueducts 03:20:27
Ring of Disintigration 03:29:55
A Lot of Grinding for XP 03:34:25
Crosell the Marquis of Dragons 05:15:26
Back in Aquios 05:36:34
What was that 05:46:44
Goodbye to friends 05:49:49
Back on the Diplo 05:52:05
Insert disc 2 05:56:10


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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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