Had to get them sooner or later lol some of these games are near and dear to my…

Had to get them sooner or later lol πŸ˜… some of these games are near and dear to my ❀️ , use to play them at the arcades when I was a youngster . Hopefully the younger generation can appreciate these classics . Any other classics for the PS1 besides Pac Man or Pinball arcades you fabulous members think I should add to the collection ?

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

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I love it all!! 😍 😍

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  1. That Activision collection sucks, the audio is muted & muffled & sounds terrible. Better off upgrading to PS2’s Activision Anthlogy.

    Also Toobin on Arcade Party Pak won’t run properly on PS2.

  2. I like the Namco Museum games personally

  3. Sweet πŸ‘Œ i have most of them and most of the arcade compilations for PS2 as well πŸ‘

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