In the early 90s, a collaboration unseen before in the gaming industry took plac…

In the early 90s, a collaboration unseen before in the gaming industry took place, merging two universes that had captured the hearts of fans worldwide. “Battletoads & Double Dragon” emerged as a crossover for the ages, combining the brute force and comic relief of Rare’s “Battletoads” with the street-fighting savvy of Technos Japan’s “Double Dragon.” This NES title wasn’t just a game; it was a cultural event that blended the best of beat ’em up action with a heavy dose of nostalgia.

It was released across multiple platforms, but many purists argue that the NES version remained the definitive experience due to Rare’s deep understanding of the hardware.

Playing as Billy Lee, I was particularly struck by the synergy between the martial arts prowess of the “Double Dragon” lineage with the amphibious powerhouses from “Battletoads.” The game, while unforgiving, was an exhilarating ride that balanced combat and platforming challenges.

For those who missed the game upon its original release,it remains a hidden gem in the NES library. It’s a testament to the creativity and ambition of video game developers at the time, daring to mix disparate worlds into a single, cohesive gaming experience. The charm, challenge, and sheer fun of “Battletoads & Double Dragon” make it a title well worth revisiting or discovering for the first time.

Read my extensive review and video longplay over at: [](

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

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  1. Reflecting on the privilege of being part of a platform that delivers rapid returns and ensures security with stop-loss measures, my sincere appreciation goes to Theodore Raheem Natti for his authenticity. May the success stories of others continue to thrive! 🎉📈

  2. One of my top 10 SNES games I used to play this with my dad for hours.

  3. I’ve actually never played this.

  4. the Super Nintendo version and the Sega version are classic

  5. One of my favorite games! I prefer the SNES version, but really, all versions are good.

  6. I have it on SNES and Genesis and love both. 90% of the time I played as Jimmy.

  7. Classic, and one of my fav NES games. Still have it till this day, and its in a hard NES game case. All my classics that i love and grew up on are in the hard clear cases.

  8. I used to own this one on the Genesis. I never beaten it, but had a blast playing it. I think the farthest I got was with the bikes. Maybe the next stage after that.

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