Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Chapter 11 Walkthrough – The Long Shadow of Shinra

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Guide: Navigating the Nibelheim Arrival in Chapter 11 – The Long Shadow of Shinra

Welcome to Chapter 11 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, titled “The Long Shadow of Shinra.” This pivotal chapter begins as our heroes touch down in Nibelheim, journeying through the skies. In this part of our extensive Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide, we’re excited to offer an in-depth walkthrough for Chapter 11, ensuring you have all the essential information to master “The Long Shadow of Shinra.”

Upon Cloud’s descent into Nibelheim, he is haunted by a vision featuring Sephiroth, who is in pursuit of the Black Materia. After disembarking from the airship, proceed towards Cloud’s home, using the objective marker for navigation. Here, you’ll find that Nibelheim has been eerily reconstructed.

Once you regain control, make your way to the central plaza, where you’ll encounter some suspicious new inhabitants. Cait Sith, in a hurry, darts into a building to access a Shinra terminal, leaving you to acquaint yourself with the altered village and engage with your fellow companions.

Engage in conversation with Tifa, Aerith, and Barret, and then ascend the stairs in the inn to trigger Cloud’s memories of Zack. Afterward, check in on Cait Sith at the terminal located in the Town Hall to see the progress made.

Before you can set foot inside the enigmatic Shinra Manor, it’s essential to secure permission from the deputy commissioner stationed atop Mt. Nibel. Accompany Cait Sith out of the village and head towards the path that leads to the reactor. Traverse the newly constructed bridge, where you’ll find the Crystal Gloves stowed within a purple chest. Subsequent to a cutscene that stirs further recollections of Zack in Cloud, descend into the combat zone. Vanquish the adversaries there and make your way into the cavern.

Within the cavern, locate and approach the luminescent tree that you encountered back in Chapter 1, titled “Fall of a Hero,” to trigger another narrative scene. Exit stage right to find yourself on a trail reminiscent of the game’s opening sequence, stirring a strong sense of déjà vu. This time, instead of inching across, utilize a rope to ascend the face of the mountain. After triumphing over two Screamers on a plateau, claim the Igneous Saber from another purple chest. Continue your ascent of Mt. Nibel by scaling the yellow crags, specifically targeting the set located at the extreme right to find the correct path upwards.

At the summit, a fierce Dragon blocks your way. Slay the beast and squeeze through the opening in the rock it once protected. This leads to the Mako Distribution Plant, where large pipes offer a path downward. In the new zone, reposition the machine in the back corner adjacent to the wooden-boarded fence gap. Leap across, defeat some foes, and pass through the staff-only door. Follow the right corridor to find an elevator leading up to your next objective.

The journey to the reactor’s peak is lengthy, but upon arrival, you’re greeted by a grim scene of lifeless bodies. Inside, take the right-side elevator and confront the Diabolic Variant. This boss, while not overly challenging, splits into two after losing about a third of its health, essentially requiring you to defeat it twice. However, given its manageable difficulty, this shouldn’t pose a significant problem.

With the enemy vanquished, delve deeper into the reactor, witnessing more of Tifa’s flashbacks and visions. Retrieve the ID card needed to access Shinra Manor from a fallen corpse. The perspective then shifts to Caith Sith as you gain entry to the manor. Head there via the town square steps, enter, and use the left-side elevator. In the following room, a video message from Hojo plays before a trap door sends the party plummeting into a prison below.

Controlling Cait Sith, navigate the air ducts to escape. Roll through the duct, defeat the lone enemy, then summon your Moogle and activate the floor switch to generate a box. Use this box to hit the red button beside the prison door confining Barret and Aerith. Follow the path to locate a console that summons an elevator. However, an overhanging pipe prevents the elevator from fully descending. Grab another box and hurl it at the pipe to break off the obstructing section. With the path clear, board the lift and ascend to freedom.

At the end of the next hallway, use the duct to circumvent the locked door. Interact with the console to discover it lacks sufficient power. Dropping a box using the ground pad will result in the box breaking. Enter the room on the right and push out the stacked crates. Now, you can safely drop a box. Pick it up and throw it at the pulley above the yellow wheel to enable progression through the box-filled passageway with your party.

In the following room, defeat the enemies and grab one of the new boxes. Throw it onto the glowing red moving platform, timing it correctly to ensure the box lands in the designated spot. Repeat this process once more to unlock the door. Take the elevator at the end of the next corridor to reach Ventilation Control.

If necessary, utilize the Rest Stop and Shops in this area before interacting with the next console to reveal the room’s ducts. To open the entrances, summon your Moogle and throw a box at the raised equipment on the floor (the purple Discovery). This will allow you to enter the blue-lit duct and access the next floor. On the third floor, spawn the Moogle again and throw a box down to the Discovery point to toggle the active air ducts, enabling you to use the red duct and progress further.

You’ll arrive in Materials Storage, where you must defeat two Adjudicators and use the console to identify your next objective: lowering the elevator by throwing boxes onto it. Three boxes are required to complete the task, after which you can board the elevator and break the boxes to proceed. On the next level, Cait Sith will approach the computer and encounter an enemy called Yin & Yang. Defeat it to allow Barret and Aerith to join your party.

Board the elevator and wait for the safety inspection to conclude. As an optional Discovery, you can throw boxes onto the conveyor belt, but it’s not mandatory. At the elevator’s top, interact with the blue terminal, and a hologram of Hojo will reappear, instructing you to uncover a 4-digit password. By repositioning the crates in the back left corner, you’ll reveal four numbers, providing you with the password: 36, 10, 59, 97.

In the following room, defeat the Forgotten Specimen boss, then proceed to the elevator at the back. You’ll reunite with the rest of your party in the Underground Cavern, with control returning to Cloud. Pass through the double doors to trigger a cutscene where Vincent emerges from a coffin. When prompted to identify your foe, choose “Sephiroth”. This grants you access to the Shinra terminal, and Cait Sith requests some time. Follow the glowing tube on the floor to initiate another cutscene.

Engage in combat with Vincent, who transforms into the Galian Beast. After the battle, take the elevator up and exit Shinra Manor. Cait Sith will suggest returning to the Gold Saucer to retrieve a relic known as the Keystone. Make your way back to Nibelheim, where Roche appears, challenging Cloud to a one-on-one boss fight.

Following your victory, a sequence of cutscenes will unfold, revealing the party’s newfound focus on the Gold Saucer. Return to the Nibel Airstrip, where you can ask Cid to fly you to your destination. Once you arrive at the Gold Saucer, Chapter 11 – The Long Shadow of Shinra will conclude.

Up Next: Chapter 12 – A Golden Key