Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Chapter 12 Walkthrough – A Golden Key

Chapter 12 – A Golden Key is the twelfth main chapter in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, beginning with the party’s journey back to the Gold Saucer by sea. As part of our comprehensive Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide, we present a detailed walkthrough for Chapter 12, covering all the essential information and key aspects of A Golden Key. This walkthrough will provide you with step-by-step guidance and valuable insights to help you navigate through this exciting chapter of the game.

Cid has transformed his aeroplane into a boat, and he’ll give you control for the journey back to Costa del Sol. Upon arrival, dock the boat and use fast travel to reach The Gold Saucer and continue the main story. Your objective is to find Dio, and your party members will provide information on his location. Dio can be found in Battle Square, where Aerith will escort you to meet him. To win the Keystone, you must participate in the Musclehead Colosseum. In preparation for the big competition the following day, spend the night at The Haunted Hotel in Ghost Square.

The game then shifts focus to Zack, who is still looking after the other Cloud and Aerith. Bring the wash bowl to their room for a cutscene with Marlene, followed by another scene outside with Elmyra in the garden. After regaining control, exit Aerith’s House and interact with the bike.

Having read the note, the story returns to Cloud in the Gold Saucer, who hears a knock at his bedroom door. At this point in the game, you’ll go on a date with the character you’ve developed the closest bond with throughout the campaign.

Following the performance, you and your date will take a ride on the Skywheel in Skywheel Square. The game then jumps to the next day for the competition. As explained, your party for the upcoming fights will consist of Cloud, your date from the previous night, and one additional member of your choice. When you’re ready, climb the steps and approach the registration area.

You’ll face three rounds of regular enemies before confronting Don Corneo himself, who enters the arena riding Abzu. After the competition, Dio attempts to give you the Keystone, but Elena and Rude intervene, stealing it with the help of Cait Sith. Before pursuing them, you’ll have the opportunity to use a Rest Stop and browse the Shops. Then, engage the Shinra duo in a battle. Upon defeating them, Shinra president Rufus appears for a one-on-one fight against Cloud. This unique encounter sees Rufus being easily staggered, but landing hits on him proves challenging. Seize opportunities to strike as he reloads his weapon.

When Rufus reaches half health, his dog Darkstar will attempt to aid him. Temporarily focus on taking down the dog before turning your attention back to Rufus. Utilizing a Summon can be highly effective in this battle, so be sure to call one in once the meter is charged. After the fight, you’ll switch to pursuing Caith Sith, who has fled to the Gift & Tickets area. Search the plushies collection to the left of the checkout to spot him, and interact using the Triangle button. He’ll then make a run for the exit, prompting you to give chase.

Upon reaching the main area, speak with Barret, and Cait Sith will flee upstairs behind you. Vincent will then direct you back downstairs, where you’ll discover Cait Sith concealed behind one of the Moogles seated on the bench. Pursue him into the Utilidor, only to witness his ultimate betrayal as he hands the Keystone over to Shinra. The party resolves to follow the Shinra helicopter, requiring the use of the Tiny Bronco. Fast travel back to Costa del Sol using the red helicopter icon, then board the Tiny Bronco to conclude Chapter 12 – A Golden Key.

Up Next: Chapter 13 – Where Angels Fear to Tread