How is it racist but RE4 isn’t? So beating Spanish farmers who were infected wit…

How is it racist but RE4 isn’t? So beating Spanish farmers who were infected with a mind controlling parasite is ok but beating African farmers who were infected with the same parasite is racist? Btw aren’t they the same website who refused to review Hogwarts Legacy and supported a failed boycott because of JK Rowling controversy?

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. So I googled this article so I could read it and learn a little more about the writers perspective. Because it sounds fu cking bonkers. The bone of contention is not white guy shoots a black guy. The whole problem was in the middle levels when enemies jump out wearing stereotypical grass skirts, and Crash Bandicoot masks, and yell in gibberish that sounds like it’s from an old exploitation film. He has a point that it’s very stereotypical and offensive especially considering that Africa is a very diverse continent with modern cities and hardly anyone actually looks like that. But it’s an incredibly easy fix, just change a few enemy types. The headline of this article is so over blown. It could be summed up more accurately as RE5 remake will need modernized enemies to not appear ignorant.

  2. These companies need to grow some BALLS. RE5 had more than just Blacks in it. Jesus.

  3. woke bs ruining games, sadge

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