Howdy! I’m new to the group and I just started my collection of retro gaming stu…

Howdy! I’m new to the group and I just started my collection of retro gaming stuff. I grew up in the 80s and enjoyed the 90s as well–boy, was it a great time to be alive! I started my collection with an NES, then I got into finding CRTs, and now I have a model 2 Sega Genesis…and I can’t stop… I’m always thinking what’s next!?

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. Nice collection and that Sega controller is fire!A Dreamcast should be your next console purchase unless you want to add to the Nes collection and make it bigger Power Glove Rob etc and then the prices jump up a bit in my case I’ve always loved the NES never owned one as a kid I’d go to my friends house and played it constantly but many years went by and was kind of forgotten to me until by Brother in law gave me his NES with games 4 years ago and the addiction started Famicom,Disk system,Super Famicom Power glove ROB it got so bad I had to recently delete eBay it’s definitely an addiction remember this is your collection no rush it’s not going anywhere.Rome wasn’t built in a day😊

  2. Its a good start. N64, gamecube, ps1/2 and dreamcast are also worth owning. Their are just why to many to chose from lol

  3. Let’s see some pics nerd boy

  4. Looks like you need the NES Zapper.

  5. I started just like this. Then after I got all that I had when I was a kid, I started looking toward systems and games I couldn’t afford. 😳what I’m realizing is that some of the unobtainable systems and games actually are terrible. 😆

  6. Word of advice: spend your money getting all the consoles, controllers and TV’s you want first and invest in Krikzz multicarts. Then turn to physical games. Spending $30, $40, $50+ on each cart is common these days but ultimately they are shelf decor. The multicarts aren’t emulation and give the same result as playing the physical cart but you can have the entire game library ready to roll on every system! Sorry if you already knew all this, just an enthusiast trying to help.

  7. Get a Genesis non TMSS model 1. Better sound and video. 🙂 Model 2 looks cool but Model 1 is just better. If it doesn’t say “high definition graphics” on the ring of it though skip it, audio sounds like crap on that version.

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