I have been heavily collecting approx 10 years. Rented a small 10×8 booth initia…

I have been heavily collecting approx 10 years. Rented a small 10×8 booth initially to sell doubles. And add to my collection. Then rented a full room as i got more. This past year i opened my own flea market and now rent spots to other vendors. Managed to accomplish this with a full time military career. As the flea market is on weekends. Pretty proud of where i started and where it is.

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. That rocks, you deserve it.paul, Australia.

  2. That is the second happiest place in the world.lol.

  3. Very very cool. Do you ship? I’m in Illinois and I’m looking for tmnt 3 for the nes CIB

  4. Strictly a video game flea market store front then? That’s amazing if so and congrats on your journey brother.

  5. Thought this was Renfrew PA and got excited😂

  6. one of my dream job. Unfortuately things are too competitive in my city to visualize this dream :/

  7. Matthew N Dayna Ayotte that’s awesome! Congrats on your hobby and your flea market. Thanks for serving our country as well. Most people don’t appreciate the work or even see the work our military does across canada and the world.

    I live about 1 and 1/2 hours from Renfrew but would love some day to come see your cool stuff. Neither cornwall nor Andy of the small towns have any real gaming or retro shops.

  8. I would be too nervous to run a store like that on my own. There’s always the chance of stuff getting stolen

  9. Holy moly you got everything the Angry Video Game Nerd would be jealous with envy

  10. I would so buy that scooby doo plug and play game, childhood memories!

  11. Yo, that’s super dope man!

  12. Where is the location, i would like to visit if its around the city i reside in

  13. Holy bank statement, this is an alter!

  14. Congrats! That is beautiful!

  15. Wow truly amazing and inspirational! Is it far from Australia? 🤔😆 I want to visit

  16. Awesome stuff! Thank you for your service as well!

  17. What state are you located in I just started my collection looking to expand

  18. Wow wish I could do this great job man

  19. Awesome man! Am bearly starting small business my self in California hope i can make it like you seem to be doing it right.

  20. This is amazing what was your very.first piece?

  21. Proud of you! Living the dream

  22. Full on hustle mode. Love it.

  23. Dream store! Make sure you get everything insured!

  24. Nice store. Where you located?

  25. Awesome story Mathew. I’m interested in your story, I need to start looking into something for my retirement and would love to learn more. Would you mind if I PM you?

  26. I’m going to have to come check this out, I’m about an hour and a half away from you.

  27. And this is just your doubles?!?

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