RADIKAL BIKERS Feeling radical? Then you need to experience RADIKAL BIKERS!! …


Feeling radical? Then you need to experience RADIKAL BIKERS!!

Developed by the Spanish Arcade Company Gaelco in 1998, RADIKAL BIKERS is a fun, frenetic arcade game in which you take the role of a Pizza Delivery Driver as you dash around the streets of Italy, racing/competing against your rival to be the first to make your deliveries before they do.

Find shortcuts, scoop up a variety of power ups to gain the advantage and do whatever it takes to make it to deliver your pizzas. The arcade version offers three difficulty levels: Margherita (easy, set in Milan), Capricciosa (medium, set in Rome) and Diabola (hard, set in Naples).

Gaelco did a fantastic job with this game, putting plenty of charm and visual appeal into every aspect of this game. The game is cheesy (no pun intended) and shows a lot of the creativity and dedication that the developers injected to make this game such a treat to play.

Throughout the 90s Gaelco developed plenty of great titles that are unfortunately lost to time. Luckily, many of their games have finally been released as a collection for the Evercade.

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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