Upon its NES release, “Marble Madness” was well-received for its faithful recrea…

Upon its NES release, “Marble Madness” was well-received for its faithful recreation of the arcade experience. However, some players found the transition from a trackball to a D-pad challenging, affecting the precision of control.

For me, “Marble Madness” brings back a flood of nostalgia, with my first experiences playing the game in a bowling alley, where my parents used to bowl. The arcade version was a staple of my childhood, and when I encountered the NES version, it was a faithful port that allowed me to relive those moments at home. It was only recently, after many attempts and much practice, that I finally beat the game, a testament to its enduring challenge.

Check out our full review and longplay over at: [https://retro-replay.com/marble-madness-longplay-nes-1989-one-life-clear-walkthrough-nintendo/](https://retro-replay.com/marble-madness-longplay-nes-1989-one-life-clear-walkthrough-nintendo/)

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. Loved this game , how can I play it now ?

  2. Fantastic game in the arcade which I did master back in the day. The NES version is still fantastic and I still play it but I cannot master. I will one day, maybe. I think this is probably the conversion of any arcade game of that time.

  3. Always loved this game but never got very far. One of the few games I regret not having in physical form as I’ve never found it to work properly with an emulator.

  4. It’s too much madness for me 😖

  5. One of my favorites from nes. I find that lonely mountain downhill reminds me of that game. Your on a bike and there are no enemies. But the feeling of the game is similar.

  6. NES version has better music than the Genesis version

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