Disclaimer: My father, disconnected from the internet in many ways, will most li…

Disclaimer: My father, disconnected from the internet in many ways, will most likely never read this. And that is OK.

On a frost-touched morning in December 1987, nestled beneath the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, a gift unwrapped would forge an unbreakable bond between a father and his child, a NintendoNES. This is the tale of that bond, a story woven through the fabric of fantasy, adventure, and the shared experience of ‘The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link’ on the beloved Nintendo Entertainment System.

A Console Comes Home
The NES was not merely a gaming console; it was a portal to another world, an escape hatch to a realm where anything seemed possible. It was here, within the confines of our living room, that my father and I embarked on a digital odyssey that would unknowingly become one of my life’s most treasured narratives.

The gold cartridge of ‘Zelda II’ gleamed with the promise of adventure. It was unlike anything we had seen – an action role-playing game that demanded skill, patience, and a willingness to delve into the unknown. For my father, this was uncharted territory, far removed from the mundanity of everyday life. Yet, with a curious glint in his eye, he joined me in guiding Link on a quest to save the slumbering Princess Zelda.

The Saga Begins
Our journey through Hyrule was more than a game; it was a series of evenings filled with excitement, weekend plans booked solid with exploration and discovery. The first time we encountered Horsehead, the guardian of Parapa Palace, our living room became a coliseum of sorts. We rallied together, our collective energy directed at the screen as my father maneuvered Link with a mix of caution and courage. I can still recall the pounding of my young heart, the cheers that erupted when Horsehead fell, and the pride in my dad’s quiet smile.

A Shared Ritual
As the weeks turned into months, our routine was set. The early morning light would often find me nestled in front of the TV, grinding for experience points to level up our hero. My father would join me, coffee in hand, and together we would discuss strategies and recount our previous night’s endeavors. Each castle brought with it new challenges, from the swamps surrounding the Midoro Palace to the Island Maze of the Maze Island Palace.

Our conversations were peppered with references to the game’s rich lore. We mused about the Reflect spell we acquired from a sage hidden in a town shrouded in secrecy and the thrill of discovering the Upward Thrust technique in the Mountain Town of Darunia. We shared in the excitement of finding Heart Containers that extended Link’s life energy and the strategic placement of…..

[Because at least one person will continue reading this blog post, catch the full text at the link below] [https://retro-replay.com/the-adventure-replayed-a-heartfelt-homage-to-my-father-and-the-legend-of-zelda-ii/](https://retro-replay.com/the-adventure-replayed-a-heartfelt-homage-to-my-father-and-the-legend-of-zelda-ii/)

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. That would’ve been 1988 for Zelda 2

  2. I love this, I play through once a year just to beat it. I didn’t beat it till I was in my early 30s. Thanks for the memories

  3. this needs a mesen remake like the original game got so bad

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