How Final Fantasy VII (and My Mom) Fueled My Childhood Gaming Passion Growing …

How Final Fantasy VII (and My Mom) Fueled My Childhood Gaming Passion

Growing up, I absolutely loved JRPGs (Japanese role-playing games). The genre just clicked with me in a way most games didn’t. I have fond memories of getting lost in classics like Dragon Warrior and Lunar for hours on end. But nothing could prepare me for the life-changing experience of playing Final Fantasy VII when I was 14 years old.

I still remember buying FFVII at Sears and rushing home eager to dive in. From the opening scenes in Midgar, I was hooked. The dystopian cyberpunk setting, complex characters, and deep storytelling showed me games could be more than just fun distractions. FFVII felt like an interactive art form.

Of course, being the RPG nut I was, I had to rearrange my schedule to properly binge this masterpiece. I admit I may have skipped a day or two of school to keep playing! I would block the sunlight from the windows in our trailer so I could see the TV screen clearly. Looking back, I don’t recommend skipping school but FFVII had me under its spell.

From the tragic story beats to the unforgettable soundtrack, FFVII became a part of my DNA as a gamer. I was transported to its world in a way I had never experienced before. My childhood mind was blown away by the scope and emotion of it all. FFVII showed me the narrative power of games.

I have to thank my mom who always encouraged my passion for gaming, even if it meant me holing up in my room for hours. She saw how these immersive worlds brought me joy and would go out of her way to get me new games when possible. I cherished those moments when it was just me, the controller, and the latest RPG adventure waiting to be explored.

Now as a parent, I’m thrilled to relive FFVII with my son through the recent Remake. The story still resonates strongly, even after all these years. We’re both excited for the next chapter releasing soon in February 2024.

While turn-based JRPGs may not be as prominent today, I’ll always be grateful for the memorable journey FFVII provided back in my youth. It helped define me as a lifelong gamer. I credit my mom, now resting in heaven, for supporting my hobby and making my childhood so memorable. Here’s to the games and parents who shape our childhoods and stick with us forever!

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. Lunar the Silver Star Story was my first rpg and I got the bug for them after causing some drama. My boyfriend (and now 30 year later husband) and his cousin were all excited to play the new game and planned a big sleepover party. Well one of the boss sections (a big tree like creature, if memory serves me) was giving them trouble for over a hour so they were taking a break to get more snacks downstairs and I asked if it would be okay if I tried the game…well I beat that boss and was so excited to announce my victory, but…

    It was like I had just lost the big game for them and sulking over how I just crushed the undefeated enemy they abandoned Lunar and wouldn’t pick back up the controller because a girl who knew nothing about their game had just on her first try ruined two cocky young men who thought they were rpg experts. Well I finished that game and earned my first rpg trophy 🏆

    My husband and I still laugh over that memory (he never did play that game again) and even today his cousin won’t speak to us!

  2. I’ve always loved RPGs.. think my first was phantasy star on the megadrive and then I got into Zelda on SNES. From there I pretty much played them all. Zelda lttp on SNES was amazing but like you, it was FF7 on the ps1 that blew me away at the time.
    These days it’s me and my daughter playing the remake and loving it

  3. What a story!! I was 15 years old and this was my first ever RPG (there is a certain The Story of Thor/Beyond Oasis first but it’s more an adventure Action rpg games than a real RPG)

  4. Just finished the Demo for Rebirth last night

  5. I was 14 as well and it was also my first and most beloved rpg. A friend of mine has my original copy I got for Christmas 1997.

  6. One of the greatest video games of all time.

  7. Still my favorite to this day

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