My son did not make this with his own two hands. Let’s all not appreciate his wo…

My son did not make this with his own two hands. Let’s all not appreciate his work. As i do not have a son. 😜

Trying this one more time because it seemed like people enjoyed it when i first posted. It got pulled down because I modified the original post to include a link which talks more about the artist and this specific work. My apologies to the admin if I misinterpreted the group rules.

The artist is a chiptune musician known as Doctor Octoroc. I bought this Megaman 2 Dr Wilys castle from the him while he had store space set up in media, PA around 2007-2008. He built this over the course of 6 months, with over 22,000 beads and 14 layers of foam board to add to the dimensional feel of this piece. It is approximately 3 feet wide and 2 feet tall at its hightest point. I have a Nintendo sized megaman 2 for scale. It took over 80 hours to complete this castle. What dedication to the craft of bead perlers!

What are some of your favorite custom game pieces? Don’t be shy I’d love to see what you got! 🤩

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. As a perler bead artist, HOLY SHIT!!! This is amazing

  2. I don’t play with acrylic paints enough, so I kinda gave up on this one

  3. My oldest daughter and I did this a few Christmases ago…

  4. This is probably the biggest perler I have made myself… I got really into the hobby for a while

  5. Close up would be cool for those of us that don’t know wtf any of that means. 😅

  6. Warning! This is a facebook scam using ai art, don’t give this person your personal details!

  7. One of my latest art pieces that recently arrived. Head of Mamir. 1:1 scale. Hand sculpted using measurments taken from screen shots of the in game model. Hand painted. Going to hang it on the wall next to my other God of War collectibles when I get it all situated.

  8. Thank you for the kind words, Vincent! I haven’t done bead sprites for many years but do miss those days, and this was the first very large piece I did. I’ve since done pieces with more beads but none quite as impressive, imo. I think this Wolverine is the piece that contained the most beads (although I did three others at the same size but this was the best looking among them), on account of the full rectangular area being filled.

  9. This one kinda counts, right? Art based on a comic that was adapted into a videogame? Lol

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