What are your thoughts about Duke Nukem 64? While I love some of the changes th…

What are your thoughts about Duke Nukem 64?

While I love some of the changes they made with this version such as the updated and new weapons, along with the ability to actually ‘save’ the Babes, it does have some negatives.

For one, the odd censorship of the levels seems to be a strange choice. Removing the adult content, bad language was somewhat understandable. However, levels such as the strip clubs being turned into a Burger Joint or storage depot just felt… weird.

Another odd thing was the complete lack of a soundtrack, sure a remixed version of the iconic theme song is played, but going the levels in complete silence makes the game feel so eerie.

Sure it’s Nintendo, but it seems strange that violence and decapitation is a-ok, but soft core TnA is an absolute no no🤣

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. The missing Soundtrack is a No go for me. I love the PC version. Playstation version has no cheats. Sucks af.

  2. it’s the best thing if the PC version doesn’t work. i like Duke 3d 64, but miss the level music. that memory space excuse, c’mon. an expansion pack would have helped that

  3. It’d for murica. T and a is awful, but murder is fine.

  4. I want this in my collection also doom 64

  5. Was sad they censored it so heavily but Nintendo was the kiddie system

  6. I’ve got the playstation version- total meltdown… Played it for HOURSSS when i was a kid. The soundtrack was dope too

  7. I loved the game growing up but it definitely was a shame all the fun things they took out of it to make it Nintendo friendly. If I’m remembering right though I think you could add a lot of stuff back in with cheat codes.

  8. This game quickly became the death match FPS we played frequently. So much faster than Goldeneye, and had a ton of cheats you could turn on and make it even more fun! Great game!!!

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