Ive been going through dirt comics that arent worth anything, and saving the old…

Ive been going through dirt comics that arent worth anything, and saving the old video game ads. For right now I’m keeping them in a binder in paper protectors. Then eventually when my family and I move into a bigger house, i eventually want to put together a game room. Then I had an idea to turn all the ones i save into a collage for the wall, or somehow get them matted on a big poster kinda thing. I figured I would share them on this page for a trip down 80 and 90s video game memory lane haha. Enjoy!

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. Sounds awesome to me. I have a lot of actual game posters manuals and inserts on the walls of my main gameroom….

  2. Put them together in a big Poster Collage

  3. If I cannot find any I just print mine off and frame them I have OG posters just don’t want to ruin them

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