Q: Is anybody aware of familiar with the game called “NIGHTS INTO DREAMS” for th…

Q: Is anybody aware of familiar with the game called “NIGHTS INTO DREAMS” for the SEGA DREAMCAST????
My story below tells how it ended up being my mom’s FAVORITE VIDEO GAME EVER. I’m very curious does anybody remembers it & did anyone actually play it a really enjoy it?

Hey folks I have a question.
My mom (Rip) bought us a SEGA DREAMCAST a few months after it was released (From the original buyer) & it came with a bunch of game & a few CD’s that had Demo’s on them. Well my mom’s favorite game ever was called “NIGHTS INTO DREAMS” & it was the Demo but it let you play Level 1 to Level 4or5….. She never went to actually buy the actual game & just played the Demo all the time. She even got a Tattoo of the Main Character but it was very very small…….

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

About dmb062082_

I love retro gaming!! 😍 😍 

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  1. Yes for Sega Saturn. It’s amazing

  2. ive got this one and the christmas version too on Saturn with 2 round analog controller amazing game

  3. For Saturn rather than Dreamcast. It was a huge deal on the system. It even had a special controller.

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