22-Year-Old Finds ‘Holy Grail’ Copy of 1980s Nintendo Game Worth Over $700,000

22-Year-Old Finds ‘Holy Grail’ Copy of 1987 Zelda Game Worth Over $700,000

A sealed copy of the 1987 Nintendo classic ‘The Legend of Zelda’ is expected to sell for over $700,000 at auction this week, thanks to a chance discovery by a 22-year-old.

The owner, who goes by Kiro online, originally purchased the game for just $30 back in 1987. Stored for decades in his family’s home, Kiro decided on a whim last October to list the vintage game on eBay, hoping at most to get $20,000.

The game’s value stems from its status as part of the first production run, which is a rarity in the collector’s market. This particular version is even more valuable because it’s still in its original sealed condition, earning it the nickname “holy grail” among collectors. The previous sale of a similar item for $705,000 underscores the potential value of Kiro’s game.

Within minutes of posting, buyers bombarded him with offers. Kiro soon realized he had an ultra-rare first print edition of the iconic game. After being connected to Heritage Auctions by a collector, Kiro’s copy was professionally graded and verified.

Zelda was the first Nintendo Entertainment System game to sell over 1 million copies. But finding a sealed first print in pristine shape is akin to discovering a golden ticket. The last one sold for over $700k in 2021.

Calling it a “miracle”, Kiro says the chance eBay listing has connected him to experts who can help achieve full value at auction. Proceeds will be saved and invested by the young seller.

The sale highlights the soaring prices vintage games can command as cultural collectibles. As video games continue rising in popularity, rare physical copies become prime investments. Kiro’s serendipitous discovery shows coveted gems can still be uncovered in old family collections.

The game underwent a professional grading process, which is crucial for collectors as it assesses the condition and authenticity of the item, providing a grade that helps determine its market value. Heritage Auctions, known for dealing with rare and valuable collectibles, took on the responsibility of selling the game, giving it a prominent spot in their Video Games Signature Auction.

Here are some other examples of vintage video games that have sold for incredibly high prices at auction:

  • A sealed copy of Super Mario Bros. for NES sold for $660,000 in 2021. It is the highest price ever paid for a video game at auction.
  • A sealed copy of The Legend of Zelda for NES sold for $870,000 in 2022. This set the new record for most expensive video game sale.
  • In 2020, a sealed copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 for NES sold for $156,000. There are fewer than 10 sealed copies known to exist.
  • A rare prototype cartridge of Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega Genesis was auctioned off for $430,000 in 2019.
  • In 2022, a sealed copy of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! for NES went for $216,000. It was an extremely limited early release.
  • A still-sealed copy of Chrono Trigger for Super Nintendo fetched $220,000 at auction in 2022 due to high demand and limited supply.
  • In 2018, a copy of Nintendo’s Stadium Events sold at auction for $144,000 due to its status as one of the rarest NES games.
  • A 1987 copy of Kid Icarus for NES in exceptional condition sold for $150,000 in 2022 based on its rarity.

As games from the 1980s and 90s become collector’s items, prices for sealed, high-grade copies continue to break records among dedicated retro gamers and investors. The nostalgia and scarcity amps up the market value.

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