Castlevania 2 Simon’s Quest [NES] Long play 1988 #guide #walkthrough #tutorial

Castlevania was a cakewalk compared to this bloody curse. You thought you had the Prince of Darkness defanged – eh, Simon Belmont? Well think again, ’cause according to a damsel in distress, evil Count Dracula has left a horrifying curse in his wake. And the only hope you have of ending the terror is to destroy his missing body parts! Talk about your frightening quest, searching a maze of mansions, graveyards and dark, eerie forests – each guarded by man-eating werewolves, fire-throwing zombies and other devilish demons.


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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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One comment

  1. You killed it my friend, nice work!

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