New old games

2 1/2d bliss

It’s oldschool! It’s back in 3d form! Withall these advancements in 3d games we always come back to good ‘ol 2d (and by 2d I mean on a 2d plane) game play. It’s  interesting to see the new innovations that developers bring to 2d games, platform games, and fighting games. Maybe there is some space for us retro fans in this generation of gaming after all. What do you all think? Do you like the new old school games?

From top to bottom: Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, Rayman Origins, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Samurai Showdown Sen, Sonic 4 Episode 1

Head Monster
sneak peak!
kirby and yarn

Sonic 4

Other oldschool remakes for home consoles recently have included: Street Fighter IV, New Super Mario Bros, Mega Man 9 & 10, and King of the Fighers XII.

About shateredsoul

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  1. Avatar photo

    Sonic 4 has me a little excited. I wont lie.

  2. Avatar photo

    And rayman… big fan of the psx/saturn versions.

  3. You did miss one big old new skool game thats coming out and thats Mortal Kombat. At long long long last they have seen that putting this game in full 3d does not work no matter how many fetures you put onto the disc.

    It will now be much like the new Street Fighter 4 series which I welcome with open arms.

    Talking about games not working in 3d Castlevania springs to mind right from the days of the N64 to now i mean come they were very below par game when you put them side by side with the 2D versions.

  4. Mega Man 10 has me frustrated! Damnit! I will not play easy mode! I cannot! … but it’s oh so tempting

  5. Avatar photo

    Castelvainia has been horrible since sotn. A 2d mk could be a great thing.

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