Skylanders Imaginators – Longplay – (Wii U) – 2016 – Part 2

Hello Retro Gaming fans, Ryan Mcquinn here!

The last game in the Skylanders series, unfortunately, and the
only game that allows you to create and customize your very
own Skylander! Using the Imaginator Crystals, you can pick
between different fighter classes, and depending on the crystal
you use, different elements. As you play through the game you
unlock different kinds of armor, voices, weapons and other
upgrades by earning and finding Imaginite Chests. In today’s
video, My son Andy and I play through the main story.

00:00 Introduction
02:18 The Card Shack
09:44 The Golden Arcade
45:33 Dragon Temple
01:17:11 Battle Arena
01:47:54 Mausoleum Of Madness
01:54:43 Sensei Undead Realm
02:05:54 Trouble Town
02:20:15 Abandoned Amusement Park
02:47:21 The Lair of Kaos
03:05:27 Battle Kaos

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About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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