#tutorial – easiest way to get the #M13B in #mw2 w/ every attachment, fine tuning & camo! #cod

This is a bit of a joke, but not entirely. I have wanted this weapon. Somehow I was able to loot it off of the corpse of one of my teammates and its already tuned with the perfect attachments. His name is Cyb3rV1k1ng and he is a legend. I am uploading it because his commentary was funny as he was pissed. Big mad. At 1:45 he really sounds off after he realizes I am going to exfil. But I think it was something he did. There was no body to revive. I’ve never had an option to steal a teammates bag. So was this a bug? Perhaps he requested help from an enemy team forfeiting his gear? I am a bit of a noob and do not totally understand the inner workings of this game yet. Either way, victory for me!!! Awesome gun! Sucks to be him.

#tutorial – easiest way to get the M13B in MWII with every attachment and a fine tuning and camo!


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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One comment

  1. I love the trash talk going on during the video. 😆

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